Weobley.org - your community site
Weobley's dedicated community web site - www.weobley.org - helps to keep the village in touch with what's happening and a great place to find out who to call when you need an electrician, where to get a great local meal and even book the village hall for that special event . . . . and so much more.
.... and don't forget, if you have an organised event happening in the village, get in touch and let us know at [email protected] and we'll give it some FREE publicity.
Skate Park
Our skate park attracts skaters from near and far, who enjoy the chance to experience the free design of the “street plaza”. So whether you're a newbie or an experienced skater, you'll find SK8 offers something for everyone.

Play Area
With the addition of the new SK8 Skate Park, the Weobley Village Play Area continues to grow with wide open grass, modern activity climbing frames, nets and more for the younsters along with a relaxing shelter for the grown-ups.

Did you know that we have a Tree Warden in Weobley?
Working closely with the Parish Council, our Tree Warden has a fountain of knowledge about all things to do with trees and is on hand to offer practical advice surrounding the care and maintenance of our Village, in addition to having been trained to spot diseases, recognise & protect notable veterans and plant for the next generation.
If you would like to know more, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council at [email protected]

Footpaths, Bridleways & the Heritage Trail
We are very lucky to have over 50 footpaths and trails criss-crossing the Parish, giving a unique opportunty for both young and old to explore our historic village or to simply enjoy the beautiful open countryside that is found on our doorstep.
Follow the Weobley Heritage Trail to find out how mediaeval traders sold their wares through unglazed windows onto the street and what architectural features to look for in the many building styles around the village.
Weobley's Heritage
Weobley Parish Council was awarded a grant through the Herefordshire LEADER programme to erect new notice boards, new interpretation panels and new 'welcome' signs which are now taking pride of place around the Village. This is an ongoing programme with work also underway to enhance the 'Rose Garden' in the centre of the village and with other projects to follow.
Our small but perfectly formed museum offers vistors the opportunity to explore the rich history of Weobley. You can find out about life in the area over the past 200 years and see paintings of local scenes, old photos, parish records, agricultural tools, and objects made by local craftsmen, along with models showing how Weobley's picturesque timber-framed buildings were constructed. Located on the site of the old police station and courtroom, the museum takes you on a journey through Weobley's colourful history.