The Village Play Area is managed on behalf of the Parish Council by P.A.T. (Play Area Team), a group of dedicated volunteers who maintain the play equipment and structures, undertake repairs and generally help to keep everything in order. If you would like to know more about the group or perhaps might be interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Chris by email at [email protected].
Eco Play
An interpretation board is now installed at the village play area describing aspects of the ecology of the field, showing how pollination and food chains work, and pictures of plants like Birds Foot Trefoil and knapweed for visitors to spot.
The board is mounted low to suit the height of a junior School age child for whom it’s designed, but adults are allowed to learn from it too!

With the addition of the SK8 Skate Park and improved play area climbing frames, the Weobley Village Play Area offers a wide variety of activities for young and old alike.
Where : Gadbridge Road next to the Village Hall

Weobley SK8
Weobley's skate park continues to skaters from all over and who are enjoying the chance to experience the free design of the “street plaza”. So whether you're a newbie or an experienced skater, you'll find SK8 offers something different.